Yanir Laty

Web developer_

My journey:
Python : I have learned python in 2 courses on the website campus IL, this is a goverment supported website. I very much enjoyed these 2 courses which should have taken me 6 month each, I have finished both in 2 month.

WEB : after realizing that I love to code and solve puzzles in python I decided to learn web development, so far I have learned HTML ,CSS ,JS ,nodeJS ,mongoDB ,React, bootstrap and more

My strengths : I am a fast learner and can basicly do any task that I'm being given, I know 3 languages (Hebrew, English ,Russian).













My current focus right now is React
half a circle

About me:
My name is Yanir from Israel im a junior fullstack developer, I love dogs , video games and coding , I was very passionate about coding from the day I got introduces to it, but started to learn it only after my mendatory military service in the IAF.

-There is a chance one to a billion that we are living in a simulation-
Elon musk


project to do list
To do list

To do list , have been made using Ejs with a database using mongoDB, user interactive with an active database, have been used libraries as express and more. have been hosted by heroku linked the project to github.

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booking web app picture
Booking appointment

Booking an appointment , this project was made using Ejs with a database using mongoDB, very friendly UI for both user and admin. the project includes a user system using the pasport library. for more details visit the github in the link below.

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coming soon
Soon to come

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